How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
For all elements of the development of our products, we used Blogger, to account what we were doing, monitor progress, detail any plans we had, and form a complete record of our work. A benefit of using Blogger was that both myself and partner Shannon were able to upload and share our work in one area. Whilst each of our posts is accredited to us personally, the overall Blog forms our work as a team, and was a perfect way to share ideas and represent us together. I've found that the use of our Blog has really aided our evaluation, as we have been able to refer to our previous work with ease, as everything is date ordered and arranged into our labelled categories. Keeping our work on a digital platform has also allowed us to connect all of our products from multiple mediums together. Including the presentation of our final video, website links, and embedded documents. Without our Blog we would have really struggled to organise our work in such a precise manner, the representation of our work would be far less varied and we wouldn't have been able to as easily monitor each other. Meaning tasks may have been repeated or missed out completely.
For the research and planning of our product we really relied on the use of the Internet, primarily Google, to establish current artists and analyse their work. We used YouTube to watch current music videos and establish conventions, and were able to capture clips of inspiration from current videos with TubeChop. We used programmes such as PowerPoint to form slide shows of our findings and uploaded these through websites like Scribd and Slideshare.
Through the development and planning of our work we made an animoto to present the pitch of our initial idea. Once we had story boarded the planned shots for our video we scanned them in from home and arranged them with our music to form an Animatic using Movie Maker. We took photos, using still cameras, of possible costumes and settings for our video.
Using our Android mobiles Shannon and I were always able to text each other to arrange meetings for filming and quickly share new ideas or queries. We also messaged each other on Facebook to quickly share photos and other links.
When it came to filming our music video we initially used a simple Sony camcorder from school, and tripod. Although this camera was simple to use the quality of images was poor. Fortunately we then had access to a Canon HD camcorder, that had almost identical workings to the previous camcorder, but provided us we the definition we required. For some of our still shots taken to document our filming sessions we used Shannon's professional FinePix camera. Unfortunately we also had to use this camera for the filming of our final video footage, due to a flat battery of our borrowed HD camera. Although this camera produces excellent stills, it is not intended for professional video, and so did not provide the HD we were after, producing blurry zooming.
